Software SensoMaster Live

Software SensoMaster Live


Artikel-Nr. 96585235|EAN 4018754246007
  • Recording of screw tightening with the MANOSKOP® 714, SENSOTORK® 713R (from firmware 4.X) and SENSOTORK® 701.


Product no.for modelWeight
96585235714, 713R111 g


    • Recording of screw tightening with the MANOSKOP® 714, SENSOTORK® 713R (from firmware 4.X) and SENSOTORK® 701
    • Representation of torque over time, angle of rotation over time, torque over angle of rotation
    • Displays multiple curves at the same time
    • Export data for further processing
    • The software is a single-location licence
    • Firmware version 02.01.02 is required for torque wrenches 714/1 ... /100


Produktdatenblatt: STAHLWILLE_96585235_7732-2 SOFTW.SENSOMAS.LIVE_us.pdf
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