
On-demand webinar - Your path to networked manufacturing and maintenance

Worker Assistance System on a Laptop


Increasingly, manufacturing companies are considering the use of digital, intelligent, and, above all, integration-capable torque and angle tools or testing equipment in their work environments. The motivations are diverse and range from increasing efficiency and quality assurance to partial automation and optimization of processes.
In the webinar “Your Path to Networked Manufacturing and Maintenance," Chris Rose conveys the knowledge necessary for a future-proof investment decision. Various integration-capable solutions from STAHLWILLE are presented here, along with the application scenarios that can be achieved with them. For example, integration into autonomous production cells with digital worker assistance systems is considered, as well as integration into existing workflows managed by manufacturing execution systems, computer-aided quality (CAQ), a Siemens control, or other controllers. The webinar also deals with topics such as employee qualification, documentation, tool peripherals, interfaces, and data transfer.
The webinar has already been held and is available on-demand.

Request recording free-of-charge

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Chris Rose - Technical Sales Manager

Chris has spent the last 15 years working with customers on the establishment of new (or updating of existing) torque calibration laboratories and test facilities, advising on the most suitable equipment, and supporting them with compliance with ISO 6789 standards. In more recent years he has worked on a number of DAPTIQ projects, introducing customers to the benefits of networkable tools from STAHLWILLE.

Target Group

The webinar is ideal for managing directors, technical managers, production managers, and planners who want to invest in future-proof and integrable tooling solutions.
Chris Rose
Telefon: +44 1276 24080