Agricultural machinery: we have the tools!

Both stationary and mobile agricultural machinery must be ready for action when it counts. That's why you need tools that guarantee the highest quality during the machine and vehicle production phase and ensure smooth maintenance and repair later on. We can offer you these tools: for machine and vehicle construction, for workshops specialising in agricultural machinery and tractors, for technicians and service fleets. We provide everything from wrenches to modern torque technology.

    Tool trolley in front of an agricultural machine

    Our tools in action

    Do you want to know more about some of the people who already rely on our tools and the experiences they’ve had with them? Click here for our user portraits!

    Tools for farmers: proven for a lifetime.

    Farmers have to be hands-on every day. Tasks range from simple adjustments to technical equipment, minor work on agricultural equipment, machines and systems, to typical repairs in the barn, on the farm or to fencing. Our product range includes tools for all these tasks that can handle the highest demands. Tools "made in Germany" that will accompany you for a lifetime thanks to their quality, materials, and our modern manufacturing processes.

      Agricultural tool kit on the wheel housing of a baler

      Do you have questions about our tools for the agricultural industry?

      Simply contact our specialist in agricultural applications. He will be happy to advise you!
      STAHLWILLE contact for the agriculture sector

      Marcel Schwarze
