Networking and integration made easy.

Networking and connectivity are among the greatest achievements of our time and are the most important trends in the industry: production control systems and plant management systems, for example, ensure that processes run reliably and efficiently. CAQ systems ensure quality. Our DAPTIQ® products work with your leading systems thanks to many connectivity options and an easy interface - opening up completely new perspectives for you!

    Man using DAPTIQ® torque wrenches from STAHLWILLE

    Networked tool solutions.

    The use of our DAPTIQ® tools and testing equipment offers you a number of advantages. Here are the most important ones:

    • You can increase and optimise the process safety of your production. Tools and test equipment receive their settings directly from the leading system.
    • You can set up an automatic workshop guide. This virtually eliminates user errors in complex screw sequence plans.
    • You create and ensure reproducible and testable quality, as all data regarding screw connections and gauge tests can be easily documented.
    A man uses DAPTIQ® software to connect tools on a tablet

    Industry 4.0 for everyone.

    MANOSKOP® 766.

    Our MANOSKOP® 766 DAPTIQ®, available in many sizes, gives you the usual feel of a mechanical click while at the same time providing the precision you expect from an electronic torque/angle wrench. Thanks to an integrated, open, low-code programming interface and included APIs, the tool can be easily integrated into your digitised production processes. Thus, the MANOSKOP® 766 DAPTIQ® offers you many possibilities for integration. And all this regardless of whether you connect the MANOSKOP® 766 DAPTIQ® to your system via cable, an 868/915 MHz transmitter-powered radio module or a Bluetooth module.

    • The torque and angle wrench can receive commands and configurations,
    • submit documentation on screw applications,
    • show instructions and messages
    • ... and much more!
    A man is using MANOSKOP® 766 from STAHLWILLE

    SmartCheck DAPTIQ®.

    Check torque wrenches on your own: even more efficiently with the DAPTIQ® SmartCheck!

    • Available for five torque ranges
    • Bidirectional interface for optimal integration
    • Direct transfer of stored test values to the leading system
    Autonomous verification of a torque wrench

    PerfectControl DAPTIQ®.

    The integrable calibration device: for accurate results and perfect connectivity with seamless documentation.

    • Tests and calibrates electronic torque wrenches from STAHLWILLE fully automatically
    • Controlled force exertion and measurement without shifting the point of force application
    • Automatic parametrisation and documentation via CAQ interface is possible
    • Easy integration into the leading CAQ system thanks to a standardised interface
    A man stands in front of a screen on which the DAPTIQ® software for the calibration device is open

    Find out more now!

    Simply leave your email address and download our free whitepaper "Process reliability and comprehensive documentation on screw connection processes - how networked tool solutions optimise production, maintenance, and service"!

    • Optimising the quality and process reliability of screw connections
    • Comprehensive documentation
    • The path to efficient and worker-friendly processes
    • Integration of STAHLWILLE solutions into existing systems
    • Practical examples and application possibilities
    Whitepaper brochure on "Process reliability and comprehensive documentation on screw connection processes - how networked tool solutions optimise production, maintenance, and service”

    Our MANOSKOP® 766 DAPTIQ® in use.

    Global companies, such as manufacturers of fire fighting vehicles and tractors, rely on our MANOSKOP® 766 DAPTIQ® in conjunction with a worker assistance system. The highest quality and maximum reliability are essential here, including in production. If you want to learn more about this, go to the customer stories!

    Your contact for networked tool solutions.

    Do you have questions about digitisation and networking? Want to learn more about DAPTIQ®? Then we are here for you!
    DAPTIQ contact person smiles into the camera

    Alexander Grosser und Timo Schmidt

    Team DAPTIQ®