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Software and Firmware.


SensoMaster is a centralised PC tool for reading out and configuring all electronic STAHLWILLE torque wrenches.

To the software

SensoMaster Live

The SensoMaster Live software allows you to record fastener tightening data for these torque wrenches MANOSKOP® 714, SENSOTORK® 713 (ReDesign) and SENSOTORK® 701.

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The TorkMaster 5 software enables testing, adjustment and calibration sequences to be carried out in conjunction with the perfectControl 7794-x calibrating units and the 7791 and 7792 loaders.

To the software


CheckMaster allows you to establish a connection between your PC and your STAHLWILLE SmartCheck tester series quickly and easily.

To the software


GuideMaster allows you to configure individual joints as well as complex tightening sequences and automatically to log the joints as they are completed.

To the software


BluetoothMaster allows you to establish a connection between your PC and your STAHLWILLE torque wrench or torque tester equipped with Bluetooth modules.

To the software


USB driver for all adapters and software versions.

To the driver

3D product data & BMEcat.

3D product data

Are you looking for 3D data of STAHLWILLE products? After your registration you will get access to extensive information about our products and services. The CAD files can be downloaded in STP format.

To the 3D product data


Download our BMEcat in 1.2 and 2005 formats, complete with the corresponding image data.

To the BMEcat

Do you have any questions?

If you need support, please contact us by e-mail or phone. We would be pleased to put together a training program for you in our training centre or at your location.
Contact person for downloads smiling at the camera

Chris Rose

Technical Sales Manager - UK & Ireland