Code of conduct

Dear Colleagues,

STAHLWILLE can look back over a long entrepreneurial history. As a group of companies, we are able to supply products that redefine standards in terms of efficiency, precision and innovation. Our partners appreciate our creativity, dependability and customer proximity. Our employees know that they can rely on STAHLWILLE as an employer.

We have achieved all this because every company in our Group – STAHLWILLE, VBW, ALARM, SWM and JETCO – in the best tradition of a family business, not only has profit in mind, but is always established on a solid foundation: our corporate values are the inner source of the strength that makes it possible for us to move forward with courage and determination and to break new ground.

We have developed this Code of Conduct so that we can all act in compliance with our corporate values as part of the STAHLWILLE Group and know what is important in our daily dealings and in our daily work. It describes – on the basis of eight principles – what we consider to be ethically and legally correct conduct. It is the foundation of our success.

Please take a few minutes to read our Code of Conduct and think about the individual points raised in it. Then use it as your personal guideline, or instruction manual, in your everyday work. If you have any queries about the content, your direct supervisor or the management board will be pleased to answer them.

Vera Bökenbrink

    Animated people form the shape of an arrow

    Together. For each other. Our values.

    1. We identify with our company.
    We are proud of our enterprise – its products, its customer orientation, its innovative strength and, above all, its people. We identify with STAHLWILLE and with the daily work of our colleagues. That is why we treat our business premises and company property with due care and maintain confidentiality in business matters. We take responsibility for the company, because every decision we make influences its course and the way it is perceived – whether internally or externally, as a whole or in detail. All our decisions are in harmony with our values and our Code of Conduct.
    2. We have integrity.
    We are honest and sincere. We always act with integrity and in a morally exemplary manner. As employees of STAHLWILLE, we comply with all the applicable laws and regulations, competition and antitrust laws. We condemn any form of bribery and corruption. We neither offer nor expect preferential treatment. We will not allow our decisions to be influenced by any such offers. Instead, we strive for maximum transparency and fairness in our interaction with others and in free competition. We expect the same from our business partners and competitors.
    3. We respect the dignity of others.
    Appreciation and respect characterise our dealings with others – regardless of the function they hold and whether they are colleagues, partners, customers or suppliers. We see and accept every person as they are and protect their dignity and physical integrity at work. We are friendly and helpful, without charge, ulterior motives or calculation, and always communicate in partnership and on equal terms. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in the workplace.
    4. We strive for the highest standards of quality and process capability.
    The quality and safety of our processes and products is our highest priority. We aim to exceed industry standards wherever possible. Each and every one of us is responsible for delivering the desired solutions to our customers in the expected quality and on time. Because achieving the highest quality standard is inconceivable without perfect pre-products and logistics, we monitor and control the entire value creation process and select our suppliers according to strict criteria.
    5. We are both customers and suppliers at the same time.
    Customers are not only found outside the company. Each and every one of us is both an internal customer and an internal supplier, because we also see ourselves as problem solvers and process partners for our colleagues. Silo mentality and monopolies of knowledge have no place at STAHLWILLE, because we can only be successful and achieve our goals if we work together. We practice open, trusting and interdepartmental cooperation and always work as one.
    6. We understand that innovation is a process.
    In order for something new to emerge, an environment powered by the spirit of innovation is needed that leaves room for visions and ideas. That is why we see innovation as a process and not as an end in itself or a technology. We are creative and open in the way we think and act. We value lateral thinking and thinking outside the box. We are confident when it comes to thinking and deciding to move in a different direction.
    7. Mistakes are an opportunity.
    Defect prevention is of the utmost importance to us but we are all aware that mistakes can happen. For this reason, we consider every mistake to be a pointer to an area in which we can improve, in which we can learn, so that the same mistake never occurs again. To make this possible, we encourage a fearless and team-orientated corporate culture that allows criticism and openly addresses mistakes.
    8. We are ready for change.
    We respond to a market environment characterised by ever faster innovation cycles and technological disruptions with a willingness to develop throughout our lives and to accept change as an opportunity. That is why we support and accompany each and every individual on their professional path. This involves encouraging personal responsibility and initiative and offering employees opportunities for personal and professional development that open up interesting career paths.
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