
On-demand webinar - How regular in-house testing will improve your manufacturing processes

SmartCheck angle of rotation tester in use


For many manufacturing companies, it makes sense to perform in-house checks of calibrated tools such as torque and angle controlled torque wrenches between calibrations, because these additional checks often increase the process quality. This improves tool availability and has the potential to reduce maintenance costs. At the same time, it increases process reliability, because tools that are out of specification are identified as quickly as possible.
In the webinar “How regular in-house testing will improve your manufacturing processes,” our experts highlight a wide range of aspects on the topic and provide answers to questions that come about when introducing or expanding a testing infrastructure within a company: from suitable proof of capability, to the correct interval and equipment selection, to the practical application of traditional or networked production environments.
The webinar has already been held and is available on-demand.
Language: English

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Carlos Pulido - Deputy Director - STAHLWILLE Spain

Carlos Pulido is an industrial engineer who has worked designing and developing torque technology products, from torque wrenches to software and calibration equipment. He now works developing the torque business in Spain, helping to upgrade or set up calibration laboratories either accredited or in-house.

Target group

The webinar is ideal for production managers, manufacturing engineers and other employees in industrial companies who deal with internal processes regarding quality and cost optimisation as part of measuring equipment testing - for example for introducing their own measuring equipment testing or continuing to develop existing testing capabilities. It is also geared towards employees working with mobile inspection services who want to organise their processes more efficiently.
Carlos Pulido Bargsten
Telefon: +34 916 770 369