Kalibreringsanlæg, komplet


Kalibreringsanlæg, komplet

7794-1 Sets

Artikel-Nr. 96521076|EAN 4018754214655
  • Den elektroniske kalibreringsenhed perfectControl med manuel betjening reducerer kraften og tiden til kalibrering og justering af momentnøgler betydeligt




Art. nr.ModelLængde mm (L)Bredde mm (b)Højde mm (h)Antal værktøjerOmråde N·mVægt (g)
965210767794-1 Sets1200 mm800 mm950 mm21 stk.60100 g
965210777794-1 Sets1200 mm800 mm820 mm23 stk.101700 g
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Technologien und Leistungsmerkmale


Vores momentværktøj, transducere og testudstyr har et officielt, internationalt anerkendt kalibreringscertifikat i overensstemmelse med kravene i DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, hvor sporbarheden sikres af vores in-house DAkkS-akkrediterede kalibreringslaboratorium.


    • The electronic perfectControl calibration device with manual drive significantly reduces the effort and time required for calibrations and adjustments of torque wrenches.
    • Measurement without shifting the point of application of force
    • avoidance of incorrect measurements with the help of the precisely mounted spindle and the ergonomically shaped handwheel
    • extremely precise calibration through optimisation of the bearing and the square receptacles of the transducers
    • Quick and easy change of transducers due to QuickRelease locking mechanism
    • Convenient key operation for clockwise and anticlockwise measurements with automatic speed adjustment
    • Time-saving by fixing the bridge support with an eccentric clamp that can be operated with one hand
    • transfer of measured values via USB interface to a PC for further processing and archiving
    • a calibration certificate can be printed out after calibration or saved as a PDF file
    • input and output calibrations can be documented
    • DIN EN ISO 6789 is supported in numerous languages during calibration. Other standards and factory specifications on request
    • Can be upgraded to perfectControl calibration device no. 7794-3 for angle wrenches
    • calibrations up to 1000 N·m with the help of the easy-to-mount extension no. 7791-1
    • registered design, patents pending
    • triggering and measuring torque spanners can be calibrated
    • Calibration of transducers with the aid of torque reference spanners No. 7770-100 and 7770-1000 possible on request
    • Included in delivery:
    • 3 transducers
    • 6 calibration square insertion tools No. 734K (sizes 4, 5, 12, 20, 40, 100)
    • 6 square adapters (No. 409M, No. 7787, No. 7788, No. 7789, No. 7789-4, No. 7789-5)
    • 1 USB adapter No. 7757-1
    • 1 Torkmaster software no. 7731-1
    • 1 jack plug cable No. 7751
    • 1 spiral cable no. 775
    • 1 spiral cable no. 7751-2 with jack plug and precision plug connector with self-locking mechanism
    • 1 cold appliance cable set
    • 1 offset screwdriver No. 10760CV SW 2 mm
    • delivery without torque spanner and laptop


Produktdatenblatt: STAHLWILLE_96521076_7794-1-400_dk.pdf
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