Separation assembly


Separation assembly


Artikel-Nr. 71050016|EAN 4018754342228
  • For use with extractor device 11051.
  • For quick separation and extraction of tight fitting parts such as gears, ball bearings and belt pulleys.
  • Sharp cutting edges make reliable detachment possible in areas where there is insufficient room for extractor hooks.
  • The separating jaws are clamped by evenly tightening the nuts on the side bolts.
  • Protects sensitive components thanks to the smooth, even surface of the large contact areas.


Art. no.StorlekModell no.Højde mm (h)til gevindtil modelEkspansjonsområde (e) min./maks.Vikt (g)
710500161115000 mmM1011501/15-60 mm500 g
710500172115000 mmM1011501/212-74 mm900 g
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710500183115000 mmM14 x 1,511501/322-115 mm2400 g
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710500194115000 mmM18 x 1,511501/430-155 mm4700 g
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    • galvanised
    • matching No. 11501 of the same size
    • for separating and extracting ball bearings, roller bearings, bushings, wheels and other close-fitting parts
    • the even tightening of the nuts on the side bolts separates the workpieces
    • attach extractor No. 11501; carry out extraction process



För mer säkerhet.

Genomtänkt konstruerade, sänksmidda, precisionstillverkade, härdadeoch anlöpta av toppmoderna maskiner: STAHLWILLE:s sortiment av avdragare erbjuder en rad produkter för olika typer av användningsområden. Till exempel standardavdragare, polklämavdragare, uttryckare, motstöd, kulledseller hjulnavavdragare. Alltid i premiumkvalitet, Made in Germany.


Produktdatenblatt: STAHLWILLE_71050016_11500-1 Trennvorrichtung zu Abziehvorr._sv.pdf
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